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- Carrie Carr
Destiny's Bridge Page 10
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Page 10
Amanda took up her position next to the triumphantly beaming Lex. "Yeah. We’ll take care of everything. Why don’t you go relax?"
Martha gave in gracefully. "That’s not a bad idea. I think I’ll go home and take a long, hot bubble bath." She pulled off her apron, hung it over her shoulder, and sashayed out of the room, swinging her hips with an exaggerated motion.
Lex and Amanda looked at each other and burst out laughing. They made quick work of the dishes, Lex washed while Amanda rinsed and dried.
Amanda placed her hands on her back and leaned into the counter with a groan. "I think Martha may have had the right idea. I’ve found some muscles that I didn’t know existed before today."
Lex put the rest of the dishes away. "No problem. You can use my tub. It even has a built-in Jacuzzi." She draped an arm around Amanda’s shoulders. "I’ve got some paperwork that will keep me busy for at least an hour, so take all the time you need." She led Amanda up the stairs.
Once inside the master bedroom, Lex went to the large oak dresser. She pulled several sleep shirts and tee shirts from one of the drawers. "These should be more comfortable than those sweats." She handed the items to Amanda.
"Thanks. But I have no complaints about my other wardrobe."
Lex raised an eyebrow at her and then turned her attention to searching through the massive walk-in closet. "Ah-ha! I knew it was in here somewhere." She pulled out a flowery terrycloth robe, which looked about two sizes too small for her, and handed it to Amanda with a flourish. "My great Aunt Loretta sent this to me for Christmas last year, and I couldn’t throw it out. Now I’m glad I didn’t. It seems more like you, anyway."
That much was certainly true. Amanda glanced at Lex, and then at the robe. "Mmm, I don’t know. I think you’d look rather dashing in it." She giggled at the perturbed cast on her host’s face, and decided to give Lex a break. "Thanks. I appreciate the loan."
"No problem. You keep it. That way when I write to Aunt Loretta telling her it’s useful, I won’t be lying. As it was, I told her on the phone after Christmas that I was enjoying it." She steered Amanda toward the bathroom. "And I was. Every time I pictured myself in it, I had a good laugh." Lex pulled a towel from a nearby cabinet and tossed it to Amanda before heading for the door. "There should be some bubble stuff by the tub." She shrugged her shoulders when Amanda looked at her questioningly. "I enjoy a good soak every now and then myself."
LEX STARED AT the computer screen and rubbed her tired eyes. She had been searching the books on her accounting program for over an hour trying to find almost ten thousand dollars of missing funds. She flipped over to her Internet access and sent a request to her bank that they send her the bank statements for the last several months. Since Hubert usually handled the paperwork end of the ranch, Lex wasn’t about to confront her brother until she had some solid proof. She also decided to personally do a head count of the stock, since it appeared they were losing more than was normal. Exhausted, Lex looked at the clock and blinked. "Amanda’s probably upstairs bored to death by now," she mumbled as she shut down the computer and left the office.
Yeah, right. Amanda’s bored. Let’s face it, Lexington, she’s been one floor away for over an hour and you already miss her.
After navigating the stairs, Lex stopped at Amanda’s room, which was dark and empty. She shrugged her shoulders and went into her own room, only to find it vacant as well. Confused, Lex knocked timidly on the bathroom door. "Amanda?" When there was no answer, Lex slowly opened the door. She walked over to the tub, where she spied a damp head poking out of the bubbles. She could see that Amanda was sound asleep, and the only noise in the room was the gurgling of the Jacuzzi. "Amanda?"
When there was no response, Lex raised her voice slightly. "Amanda."
Startled, Amanda’s eyes popped open and she sank under the water. She whooshed up out of the water immediately, gasping and sputtering. "Wha—?"
Lex knelt down. "Hey, careful there." She put her hands on Amanda’s shoulders and eased her into a more comfortable sitting position. "Didn’t mean to startle you like that." Then she started to rub Amanda’s back soothingly with one hand while still holding onto her shoulder with the other.
Amanda coughed a couple of more times, then stilled. "I'm sorry. I guess I must have dozed off. How long have I been in here?"
Suddenly aware of where her hands were, a wave of desire spread rapidly through Lex. She pulled back and stood up. "Umm, almost two hours." She put her hands in her back pockets, trying to calm her pounding heart. "I’ll just let you get dried off then. You’re probably feeling pretty waterlogged." She backed up to the door.
"That would explain the cold water, then." Amanda brushed bubbles off her forehead. She was glad the jets had continued to churn the water, making endless soap bubbles, or else Lex would have had a clear view of her nude body. "Thanks for waking me up. I’ll be out in a minute." She watched with some amusement as the usually sure-footed and composed rancher backed directly into the doorframe, blushing furiously.
"Yeah, I’ll just, umm. Yeah." Lex beat a hasty retreat into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.
Amanda giggled as she let the water run out of the tub. She was happy to know she wasn’t the only one who felt the electricity between them. She quickly dried off and then looked at her choices of sleepwear. "Hmm. Do I go modest, or do I tease her a little more?" She picked an oversized nightshirt that would hang a little past her knees. "I’d better go modest. She’s looking a little too shook up right now. Maybe tomorrow night."
After pulling the sleep shirt over her head, Amanda stepped into the bedroom and saw Lex sitting in the light of the fireplace, slouched down in one of the overstuffed chairs. "All yours." Amanda moved to the other chair and sat down, toweling her hair dry. "Thanks for the loan of the tub. I’m most definitely relaxed now."
"I’m glad. You’re welcome to use it anytime you want." Lex shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "I’m sorry I barged in like that, but when you didn’t answer me, I got a little concerned."
"No, that’s okay. Any longer in there, and I would have turned into a prune." Amanda looked over at Lex. Her face was bathed in shadow, and the firelight turned her usually bright eyes almost black. "You look pretty worn out yourself."
Lex sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah. Been a long day." She twisted her head to one side, and her neck popped. She stood up slowly. "Think I’ll take a quick shower and then jump into bed."
Amanda stood up with her. "Do you need any help?" At Lex’s raised eyebrow, she blushed. "Um, I mean, with taking off your bandage?" Lex’s other eyebrow shot up into her bangs. "You know what I mean." Amanda didn’t think she could get any more embarrassed. Meanwhile, Lex enjoyed seeing Amanda doing all the squirming for a change.
Lex took pity on her. "Nah. I can get it off okay, and I’ll probably just leave it off for the night."
"I don’t think that’s a very good idea. What if you roll around in your sleep? That cut could break open again, and you’d bleed all over the sheets. I really don’t think you should go to bed unprotected."
Lex chuckled. "I don’t think that I am going to need protection in bed tonight, or will I?"
Amanda’s mouth moved, but it refused to form any words. So she blushed instead and looked everywhere, except at Lex, until her brain cooperated a little more. She cast a quick, downward look at her bare wrist. "Ah. Um. Yeah. Time. Wow! Yeah, would you look at the time?" She faked a yawn and then stretched. "Guess I’ll let you get your shower. I’ll be across the hall if you need me to help you with your bandage."
Amused, Lex watched Amanda flee to the guestroom. I really should be ashamed of myself, teasing her like that, but the way she blushes is just so damn cute. Somehow, the camaraderie they shared seemed right, like they had done it for years. And Lex was more than a little intrigued by Amanda’s hasty retreat. I think we may be having the same reaction to each other. At least, I hope so. Lex walked into the bathroom, whistling and sheddi
ng clothes as she went. When she glanced at the tub, her mind automatically supplied her with the image of Amanda’s naked body surrounded by the bubbles from her bath only moments before, and she started to breath heavily again. Get a hold of yourself, woman! She continued to mentally chastise herself as she set the shower’s water temperature to cold.
AMANDA HAD JUST finished brushing her teeth and was brushing her hair when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," she yelled, sticking her head out of the bathroom.
A sheepish-looking Lex walked in, wearing a robe and carrying a large elastic bandage. "Hey. Your offer still open?" She seemed like a helpless child. "I can’t seem to get this damn thing on right."
Amanda set the hairbrush down and moved into the bedroom. "What’s the matter? A torn sheet not good enough for you?"
"No, it’s not that. I just remembered that I had this from the last time I broke a rib."
"Really?" Amanda quizzed. "I’ll help you, but you’ve got to tell me what happened." She looked up expectantly.
Lex shrugged as if dismissing the whole incident. "Nothing, much. It happened last year. Horse threw me into the fence, and I broke a rib. No big deal." Then, like a child, Lex pleaded, "But don’t tell Martha. She told me not to try to ride that horse, but I didn’t listen. And, I’ve, umm, kinda kept that accident a little secret from her. Promise not to tell?"
Amanda’s heart softened at the look on Lex’s face. God! She is adorable! "Oh, Lex. You look like a little kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar." She moved closer and took the bandage from Lex’s hands. "Okay, I promise. Now get over here and I’ll get you fixed up."
Lex turned her back to Amanda, then removed her robe and laid it on the bed, leaving her in just a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. She tried to empty her mind and body of all thoughts and feelings while she waited for Amanda to wind the bandage around her, both dreading and anticipating her touch.
Amanda couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Lex was. She willed her shaking hands to steady as she wrapped the bandage around Lex’s body. Broad shoulders led to a narrow waist, with hips that flared just enough to show she was all woman. Breathe, Amanda, breathe. For someone who led such a rough life, Lex’s skin was softer than Amanda ever imagined. Not like that! You’re about to hyperventilate! She had to lean into the strong back to wind the bandage around Lex’s ribs. Amanda bit her lower lip, trying to rein in hormones that were thumbing their noses at her attempt to keep them under control. Once she finished, she draped the robe back over Lex’s shoulders. "All done."
Lex was having control problems of her own. Amanda stood so close that she could feel the heat coming off her. "Thanks." She turned around, missing Amanda’s struggle to compose herself. "Guess I’ll let you get to bed now." As she passed through the doorway, Lex turned to look at her guest. "See you in the morning." She continued to stand there a moment longer while the two of them recognized the longing in each other’s eyes. She gave Amanda a slight nod before walking out and closing the door behind her.
Amanda stood beside the bed and stared at the closed door. "Oh, boy. Lex, my friend, I think we’re gonna have to have a little talk, real soon."
On the other side of the door, Lex’s emotions washed over her and left her trembling in their wake. I want her. More than I think I’ve ever wanted anything or anyone. She braced herself against the wall with one hand and shakily worked her way back across the hallway.
Chapter Seven
THE NEXT MORNING, after they finished feeding the horses, Lex and Amanda went into the hay barn. Lex backed the truck up to a tall stack of baled hay, climbed out, and looked around for Amanda. There was no sign of her anywhere. She was about to put the tailgate down on the truck when she felt something drop on her hat and shoulders. "Hey!" Lex looked up and brushed the straw from her body.
"Yep, it’s hay," Amanda cheerfully admitted, readying herself for another throw. She had climbed up to the top bale, mainly because she had always wanted to and couldn’t resist.
"I thought you didn’t like heights." Lex took off her hat and shook the hay free. "Now climb down from there before you get hurt." She put her hands on her hips and glowered.
"No, I don’t like moving heights. I get motion sickness." Amanda plopped down on the bale, her legs swinging back and forth. "Besides, this isn’t that high. Maybe twelve to fifteen feet, at the most." She was about to jump down, when the bale suddenly shifted, causing her to fall.
Lex saw the movement and dropped her hat. She rushed to position herself under the falling woman. "Ooof!" she grunted, catching Amanda in her arms, cradling her as if she were a child. "Are you okay?"
Amanda looked up into frightened eyes and felt the woman holding her tremble. "Yeah." Then she remembered where she was, and how she got there. "Oh, God. Are you okay?"
Enraptured, Lex looked into Amanda’s eyes. "Uh-huh." She couldn’t seem to alter her gaze. Words failed her as she felt Amanda’s arms wrap around her neck.
Amanda didn’t think, couldn’t think. She gave in to her overwhelming feelings for the rancher and pulled Lex’s head down. When their lips met, Amanda was amazed at how soft Lex’s lips were. As the kiss deepened, Amanda felt a strong feeling of belonging, and her heart raced.
Lex was having strong feelings of her own. When her lips touched Amanda’s, she felt a gentle tickle in the pit of her stomach. And when Amanda deepened the kiss, a jolt of electricity shot throughout her body, which caused her legs to give out. Lex collapsed back into a soft pile of hay, never releasing the woman in her arms.
They spent a few moments just enjoying the kiss until Lex pulled away in order to breathe. "Wow," she gasped.
Amanda laid her head on Lex’s chest and sighed. Then she looked up into the eyes so close to hers. "I can’t believe I did that."
"Are you sorry that you did?" Lex was terrified to know the answer.
"God, no!" Amanda reached up to caress a tan cheek, trying to calm the erratic beating of Lex’s heart. "It’s just that I don’t usually make it a habit to throw myself, this time quite literally, at someone I’ve only known a couple of days." She could feel the rancher struggling to pull air into her lungs. "Are you sure you’re all right? What about your ribs?"
Lex turned her head slightly and kissed the palm cupping her face. "Never been better." Seeing several emotions cross Amanda’s face, Lex kissed her forehead and gave her a gentle hug. "If that’s how you’re going to react after falling from a stack of hay, remind me to bring you in here more often."
"Works for me. I’ve always wanted to roll around in the hay." Amanda was immediately embarrassed. "Umm, I mean—"
Lex understood. "Relax. Let’s just take things slow and easy, okay? No need to rush."
Amanda’s smile lit up her entire face. "Yeah. I guess we’d better finish up the chores, huh?" She saw Lex’s face start to relax. "And Martha is expecting me pretty soon."
"True. But first—" Lex leaned down and captured Amanda’s lips again, feeling the younger woman’s hands tangle into her hair. She ended the kiss slowly, trying without much success to back off. "Whew. I, umm—"
Amanda brushed the hair out of Lex’s eyes. "Yeah, that goes double for me." She climbed off Lex’s lap and then offered her hand to the seated woman. "Here, since I got you down there, might as well be the one to help you back up."
Lex accepted her offer, allowing Amanda to pull her up.
Not releasing the hand that swallowed hers, Amanda pulled Lex into a very gentle hug. "Thanks." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Lex’s chin.
"For what?" Lex returned the hug, delighted to openly enjoy the feeling of holding the woman in her arms.
Amanda pulled back a little, so she could see her face, which was partially bathed in shadow. "For working on your fence in a thunderstorm. For pulling a complete stranger out of a raging creek, and for catching me when I fall."
I’ve fallen too, Amanda. Lex kissed the top of her head. "Any time." Her voice broke on the words. She
released Amanda, but kept one arm draped over her shoulder. "C’mon. I imagine the cows are about to mutiny."
SOMETIME LATER, AMANDA was standing in the stable as Lex saddled up the powerfully built Thunder. "Are you sure you don’t need any help? I mean, Martha would probably understand if I was a little late today." She reached up and rubbed the large horse’s head as he nuzzled her chest.
"Nah. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy the company, but I really don’t want Martha to try to reach some of those higher cabinets by herself." Lex tightened the cinch. "Martha and stepladders don’t always get along." She finished with the saddle and patted the horse on his flank. "Last time she fell and twisted her ankle. I thought she had broken it, and it scared the hell out of me. If you can believe it, she’s actually a worse patient than I am." Lex led the gigantic horse out of the stall. "I’d really appreciate it if you could keep an eye on her, if you don’t mind." She turned and reached for the saddle horn, but a hand on her arm stopped her.
"I don’t mind at all. But you have to do me a favor in return." Amanda grasped Lex’s coat with both hands, pulling her closer, which Lex enjoyed immensely.
"Yeah?" Lex could barely keep the silly grin off her face.
"Try to stay out of trouble, and please be careful." She saw Lex open her mouth to argue, and covered it with her hand. "Please? Don’t hurt yourself trying to get that old Jeep out of the mud. It’s not like we can go very far anyway."
Lex pulled her into a quick hug. "You’re starting to sound a lot like Martha." She stepped back and gently chucked Amanda under the chin. "I promise, I’ll behave." She climbed into the saddle, causing Thunder to dance sideways. "I’ll also be checking some of the fence line by the creek, so I may not be back until dark."
Amanda patted her leg. "Okay. Just give us a call on your cell phone if you have any problems." She walked beside the horse as Lex moved him out of the stable.